Thursday, December 29, 2016

Project 1: Research Findings: Curative Service

For this assignment, in a group of 4 people, we has to do research regarding our chosen topics that is related to a curative retreat center. For my group, the topic given to us is weight management. After did our research about this topic we decided that we will be focusing on confinement women. For this particular assignment, we need to produce a 2min video about the topic. By dividing the work load in the group, I was working on with the video editing together with Cherry(Chia Kha Wen) while the other 2 members; Ainaa and Karolina collected information for us.

Project Assignment:

Video link:

Padlet Link:

This assignment was something different than our usual work previously and it was quite fun in a way. The topics was interesting and I learn a lot of things I never knew about before. It was a great start by learning more about the target user of the space for the incoming final project.

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