Our next assignment is making a rhythm wall based on the our music genre, which mine is
Hard Rock
Basically we will need to design a rhythm wall that give off an impression about the type of music we are working with. For this particular assignment, we can use any type of material we want, as long it is white, because our final model suppose to be a colourless. We will also need to used the basic design elements into our rhythm wall, which are;
Final presentation set-up
For my wall, since my genre is Hard Rock, I want to do something that is related to bones. This is because bone represents permanence beyond death and it is also the last thing left of us. At the same time, bone also represent our truest, barest self in each and everyone of us.
Secondly, I was inspired by butterfly and it's symbolic meaning. Butterfly itself have a lot of meaning. According to Greek myth, Psyche(which literally translates to mean "soul") is represented in the form of a butterfly. By using the Greek myth, I decided to portrait my butterfly as the soul of a person.
In the end, I decided to combine the idea of the bones and butterfly together. The structure of the design is based on our rib cage, however, the shape is like the butterfly's hind wings.

As for the barb wire in the background, it represent a barrier wall, to protect ourselves, so that we won't easily get hurt and stay strong. That's how I feel what hard rock all about. It may be hardcore to some people, but I personally think it just an act of defense and to release from tension.
The elements I use for my wall is point, line and shape.
I think this assignment is interesting and I had fun making it. I had always been inspire by butterfly, even in my previous assignment, during foundation, and I was glad to be able to use it even when the genre is hard rock. It was a bit challenging when the model wall need to be all white, because colour helps in designing to portrait the feeling of the art. However, when it is colourless, I feel like the model art are more direct than usual.