For our last project for this subject, we were give a task to produce a working drawing based on our Interior Design Projects final project, which is a Science Center. The number of working drawing we need to produce is;
1.Setting-out Plan
2.Furniture Layout Plan
3.Reflected Ceiling Plan
4.Electrical Plan
5.Section Drawing
6.Water Supply System
7.Detail Drawing(2)
These are my working drawing:
Setting-out Plan
Furniture Layout Plan
Reflected Ceiling Plan
Electrical Plan
Section Drawing
Water Supply System
Detail Drawing 1
Detail Drawing 2
This project task took for 7 weeks and we had plenty of tutorial with each of our of lectures. Although my progression was a bit slow in the beginning, but I slowly began to understand what I need to do and don't. With the given sample of our senior's work, we were taught the correct method of working drawing we should be doing. My autocad software(along with my 3Dmax software) received a error message and I can't use it at all. I end up doing my work at the campus computer lab most of the time I could. It was a difficult period for me. However, I was able to finish my work on time and submit it in one piece.